Thursday, October 19, 2006

The Sun Will Come Out~

In an email that I just sent off to my friend Catherine, I told her that my day was almost done.

It is 1:12am as I post this entry~

the boys' bikes have been put to rest in the garage...

baseball mitts, helmets, and balls in their respective bins...

dinner dishes washed; pots scrubbed, table cleared...

A final look in the refrigerator to figure out what will be made for breakfast; what lunch will the boys bring to school, and what bones are available in the freezer for a big pot of soup tomorrow.

Do I take a shower now or in the morning is the next dilemma.

Overall, the end to yet another wonderful day. Wonderful because my three kids are peacefully asleep in their beds; my husband on the bottom bunk with our second son-he fell asleep as the New York Mets were leading the St. Louis Cardinals 2-0 in the bottom of the third inning of the NLCS (update::::the Mets won 4-2 forcing a game seven tomorrow at Shea Stadium with the winner heading to Detroit for Game 1 of the World Series on Saturday)

Oops!!!! School pictures are scheduled for tomorrow as well, I must still go get the boys' outfits and press them.

I think I'll set the alarm for 5:30 and take my shower in the morning.


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